By Riley Nelson

Last week we noticed from Jeremiah 2:13, “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water” . Today man needs to realize that we can make the same mistakes.

Not only do we have spiritual blessings we also have physical blessings given to us by God. Marriage is perhaps the greatest physical blessing given to man. As God was finishing the days of creation, He stated that it was not good for man to be alone, and so Eve was given to Adam and the home had its beginning. To that union children were given, another of God’s blessings to man.

So God has given us spiritual blessings through Christ that our souls can know peace and heavenly reward. He has given us the physical blessing so that we can have companionship as we strive to live for Him each day.

Yet still some would forsake the flowing fountain to partake of the murky water of the cistern. Countless millions refuse to believe in God at all. They choose to trust in man’s explanations of creation and existence rather than to trust in God. Others fail to see the importance of the Church that Jesus built (Matt. 16:18). They drink of the cistern of vain teaching (Matt. 15:9), choosing to follow men rather than to study God’s word for them selves and to become children of God according to God’s plan.

The blessing of the home has been destroyed many times by those who would drink long and deep from the broken cistern filled with fornication and adultery. The children conceived in love many times are hurt the most by the filthy water from a broken cistern.

God wants man to never have to “drink” from a cistern, broken or otherwise. He has provided the life giving stream, the water of life, Christ Jesus. If man will follow Christ, walking in His steps, this life can be great. Our homes can be the place of love, safety and protection that God has intended. Our walk taking us from this life to the next can be made easier, by trusting in God and obeying His will.